Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is no joke.  Not only can it affect intimacy and personal relations, but it really affects self-image and confidence.  If you’ve ever thought “Why me” you’re not alone- while it’s common to have age-related problems increasing through life, there are a good amount of young men experiencing problems with erection who are left desperate for help or answers.

It’s Complicated!

ED might not be what you think.  It’s commonly thought that it has entirely to do with achieving an erection, but that’s just the most severe form.  Sometimes it’s being able to maintain an erection for more than a short time, or attain an erection under certain conditions. Achieving an erection is complicated – it’s a process that involves your brain, blood vessels, hormones, muscles, nerves, and tissue.

What causes ED?

There are 3 primary mechanisms of ED:

  1.  Inflow issues (blood having trouble getting in)
  2.  Outflow issues (blood having trouble staying in)
  3.  Resistance Issues (blood having trouble being in)

The causes of any one of these mechanisms can be simple or complicated, and having a thorough investigation done can help point you in the right direction to discovering the cause.

It’s good to get checked

Erectile Dysfunction may be a sign of something bigger.  ED that isn’t related to trauma, surgery or medications is usually due to some other systemic cause.  Things like diabetes, obesity, poor diet, depression, prostate or heart issues can all contribute to ED.  In most cases lost function can be regained, and current function maintained: there’s always something that can be done.  Early signs are a good time to get checked and make changes in order to prevent the condition from worsening into late life.

By: Dr. Pihowich