The Myers Cocktail is a blend of several nutrients mixed into IV fluids. The combination was originally invented by Dr. John Myers, a physician from Baltimore, Maryland.

The cocktail contains several vitamins such as Vitamin C and B vitamins as well as certain minerals and amino acids.

Myers Cocktail Benefits

The main benefit to doing these nutrients as IV therapy is that they bypass the digestive tract and go directly into the bloodstream. The nutrients provide antioxidant support to the body as well as replacing certain key nutrients that are either hard to absorb through your intestinal tract or are in short supply in your diet.

Supportive Therapy For Many Conditions

Although these cocktails can be really useful for hangovers (who wouldn’t want to NOT feel so crappy after a night on the town?) they have also been promoted as supportive therapies for many other conditions such as:

Health Conditions

– Irritable bowel, Crohns disease and colitis where absorption of nutrients through the gut is compromised
– Autoimmune conditions
– Chronic fatigue
– Fibromyalgia
– Acute colds
– Flus

Performance Enhancement

If you’re free from symptoms and yet want to perform better in your work or athletic endeavours, these cocktails can also be worked into your regular routine of self care.

Recovery and Healing

IV therapy can also speed up the recovery and healing process for athletes if there’s a big event coming up or an injury that you want to help heal faster.

Myers Cocktail Results

Patients report better sleep, shorter duration or complete avoidance of colds and flus, better energy and endurance, less brain fog, an improved healing response, less autoimmune flareups and less joint pain and stiffness.

What to Expect

It can take anywhere from 35-75 minutes to drip a Myers Cocktail during which time you can relax, catch up on your emails or read. A great opportunity to boost your system while giving your body an often needed and well deserved rest and break from your daily hustle.

To reserve your spot in our IV lounge, call 306-373-5209 if you are a current patient.  If you are new to the clinic, click here to book an initial consult so we can assess your current health needs to determine if IV therapy is for you. 

We may not have the Vegas show girls… but we can deliver everything from pre and post party care to nutrient support for many of your current health challenges.