It’s that time of year again—cold and flu season! Prevention is key and it’s best achieved through immune health. Here are five tips for balancing your immune system.

1. Ensure Healthy Gut Flora

Healthy bacteria in the gut keep your immune system calm and properly functioning. An overgrowth of some types of “bad” bacteria can trigger chronic inflammation and decrease the ability of your immune system to act appropriately. Probiotic use can decrease the occurrence of atopic diseases such as eczema and asthma and improve immune response to infections.

2. Take Care of Your Adrenals

Cortisol has a dampening effect on the immune system. This is why corticosteroids can be a lifesaving treatment for autoimmune conditions. This is also the reason that high stress levels can decrease a person’s ability to fight off infections. Low cortisol levels can conversely be associated with an over-reactive immune response. Stress management and adrenal support can help to balance cortisol levels to keep your immune system in check.

3. Eliminate Food Allergies and Sensitivities

The food that we eat should not trigger an immune response. However, many individuals are sensitive and reactive to foods that they consume regularly. Reactive foods can be checked with IgG, IgA, and IgE antibody tests. Reactive foods can provoke an inappropriate immune response and lead to inflammatory disease processes.  These reactions can also deplete the ability of the immune system to fight off infections.

4. Limit Sugar Intake

Sugar directly decreases immune function, particularly at higher doses. Healthy carbohydrates such as fruit, starchy vegetables, and non-inflammatory grains are generally beneficial. Simple sugars from low fibre grains, sugary treats, juices and pop tend to increase blood sugar rapidly which has a suppressive effect on white blood cells.

5. Prioritize Sleep and Exercise

A restful sleep helps the body rest, recover and repair. Most individuals require seven to nine hours of solid sleep per night. Additional rest is required during adolescence, stress and illness. Exercise should be avoided during periods of acute illness. Generally, exercise benefits the immune system by enhancing immune cell function and circulation. However, periods of prolonged exercise or inadequate rest periods can inhibit immune activity.

There are many herbs, vitamins and lifestyle factors that can be utilized to balance your immune system and prepare you for cold and flu season. Talk to your naturopathic doctor about ways to optimize your immune system.

-Dr. Naomi Whelan, ND